Saturday, May 8, 2021

A Different Mother's Day


          A Different Mother’s Day 


This Mother’s Day, a call, a new DP or a gift won’t do,

Nor would a dinner, a pedicure or her name on the tattoo.

For that can be done for one or maybe a couple more,

But this year gave us mothers that are not countable for sure.


The stranger who handed that shaky cup of tea,

‘It will be a long night” he’d said, tapping softly on the knee.

The ward boy who had said a silent prayer for you,

And thanked God while seeing you later make it through.


The comforting silence, the tea and tap on the knee,

Were all the branches of the same old tree.

The prayer, the hug, the offered chair and that hesitant tear,

Like a mother handling her child’s anxiety, doubt and fear.


The year melted all the barriers and confines,

Motherhood transcended beyond bloodlines.

No gender, no age, not even of the same species,

It made sudden appearances, like some long unfound legacies.


Few hands shuttled to feed hundreds every day,

If not a mother, I do not know of anyone who’d do that today.

The resolve to comfort, to care, to heal and to provide,

These invisible mothers were rising from each corner, all sides.


I don’t know what would be a good suggestion,

How’d you celebrate this selfless service, care and affection?

How’d you show your gratitude to them, when most couldn’t do?

What words would perfectly say the best ‘Thank You’?                                                                              

This Mother’s Day, let’s open our hearts a bit more,

And be that one who leaves a little mother-like feeling at the core.

In prayers, in wishes, in small deeds of goodness,                           

Let’s remember this newfound light and spread its brightness.


Someone left us these memories to cherish,

Now that they’ve started, let’s take it to the finish.

Make that call, lend that hand, do something to ease the pain,

In this parched land, let’s try to be the cloud and bring some rain.


A Different Mother's Day
